This time Bryan Whitehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
becomes daring and writes:

> Vox wrote:
>> This time Bryan Whitehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> becomes daring and
>> writes:
>>>Are we going to be getting kernel updates for the local root
>>   Vincent and the kernel dudes are working on this...some time next
>>   week you'll get them. Meanwhile you can do, as root:
>> echo "/path/to/non-existant/file" > /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
>>   And you'll be protected.
>>>Or the new problem with glibc?
>>   Uhm...haven't heard about this one yet.
> :-D
> Basically an rpc problem... effects things like portmap and stuff. (I
> not 100% sure portmap is directly open but others seem to think so)

  Uhm...from what I read there it's a portmap/RPC problem...good thing
  I don't run portmap anywhere :)

> Combo remote exploit using portmap/rpc problem and kernel root is not
> good....


> I keep up with this stuff, I have over 100 machines to keep
> secure... ;)

  I usually keep up with this stuff too...but since I don't use
  portmap I didn't pay attention to it when it went through bugtraq
  (if it did go through it).


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