On Fri Mar 21, 2003 at 03:35:36PM -0800, Bryan Whitehead wrote:

> Are we going to be getting kernel updates for the local root problem?
> Or the new problem with glibc?
> It's been days now.... :P

Let's see... I could have been really quick and put them out the day I built
them without any testing... would that have been fast enough for you?

See, this is what makes me laugh, and I don't mean to pick on you, Bryan.
When we announced the product EOL policy, people were in an uproar because
they felt they deserved longer support periods.  Now we're apparently not
releasing fast enough (the "it's been days now" comment).

Make up your minds, folks.  =)  Either you want us to support stuff for a
long time, or you want updates quickly.  You can't have both.

Remember, for glibc and the kernel, we're building for the following

Corporate Server 2.1

If you want things tested, it takes time.  Heck, building glibc and the
kernels for all of these platforms is a 2 day job just *compiling* this

Of course, next week five of those will be gone, which will make the
response time much quicker.  The whole purpose of the EOL policy.

In other words, by "robbing" you of "free" support for old (obsolete)
versions, we're actually providing you better service.

Don't you just love how that works out?

Anyways, more to the point... next week at some point you will have both
kernel and glibc updates.

And as an aside, questions like this make me chuckle.  I know you're eager,
but you must realize no one is sleeping at the wheel here.  Questions like
this are more often than not likely to go unanswered... we are busy building
and testing these updates and answering this stuff more verbosely than
"soon" is time consuming.

Be patient and rest assured that they will be available as quickly as
realistically possible; they take a little longer because we'd like to be
sure they're ok before you all install a bum kernel (now how much fun would
that be?)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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