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October 4, 2003 09:46 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> I don't know how the menu item, FM Super User mode, will be resolved but
> you can always press alt-F2 and type in
> kdesu "konqueror"
> to run konqueror as root, after supplying the root password, or kdesu
> "anything" to run anything as root.  At least, kdebase must be installed
> as kdesu is part of that.
> Rolf

Thanks for stating the blatantly obvious when the merely obvious would 
suffice. (-:

Rolf, I know how to work around it, you know how to do it, what does 
Mr./Mrs./Ms. J. Sixpack do when s/he's told to use that utility and it ain't 
there? You can explain until you're blue but the average user is just going 
to see it as confirmation of; and detractors will use it as more fuel for, 
the "Linux is too hard!" FUD fire.

In my opinion it's just another example of my stated objection to developers 
having *anything* to do with deciding user interfaces or GUI functionality. 
The so called "ergonomics" of a distribution. The distance between the 
species is far too great.

A desktop manager is the ultimate in GUI functionality and 99% of what a 
newbie will base their opinions of a distribution on are rooted in that. 
Since in this case it is lacking a few expected functions that opinion will 
probably be rather low for 9.2. 

"Uber-geek workarounds," or even regular geek workarounds, are not the correct 
direction to push the desktop managers. _Any_ desktop manager.

It's a sad state of affairs IMHO.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
10:28:53 up 13 days, 23:49, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.20, 0.35
"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead 
girl or a live boy."
- -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
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