On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Anthony Roscoe <roscoedes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Thanks for the quick response.
> I'm not the most familiar guy with SSH keys, but from what I understand I
> would still have to type my passphrase the moment I called "git pull" on the
> remote server, no?

Unfortunately, yes, so you'd need a passphraseless key set up
specifically for systems which need Git access. Not a great solution,
though on the other hand that setup isn't uncommon either (given the
various situations where interactivity won't ever be possible/wanted,
e.g. CI servers, cron jobs, etc).

I'm still plugging away at the interactivity issue; if I'm lucky and
it looks like I can set up something fully backwards compatible*, I'll
probably merge something into master soon (if not release an actual
1.0, though that will also be relatively soon).


* The default user-level behavior should be the same, but the
underlying mechanism will change significantly to allow the optional
interactivity, so there's lots of chances for edge-case bugs to crop

Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby developer

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