On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Patrick Mc(avery <patr...@spellingbeewinnars.org> 

> I'm not joking, I am thinking about factor at night when I dream, it's 
> absolutely fascinating but I am having a hard time learning it. With 
> most languages you can learn the core first and the libraries later, 
> with factor the line between the two is fuzzy and it seems like a full 
> blown effort is required. -Patrick

Trying to learn all the libraries before using Factor is like trying to learn 
all of CPAN before using Perl (or Hackage before using Haskell, or PyPI before 
using Python—pick your favorite). Try picking a problem to solve in Factor and 
you can learn the libraries as you go. As John recommended, the contents of 
core/ are a decent definition for "core language"—that's the essential part of 
Factor that it requires to bootstrap itself.


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