I'm not ascribing evil intent to anyone and shall probably never do so. a

Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

I might not have time to elaborate too much this week since I've got a house 
guest from China staying with me.  But I'll do what I can.  Also, it's a big 
subject that can't be dealt with in a few emails. It definitely can't be 
dismissed with a facile phrase like "the Nazis highjacked the New Age." I've 
done long and serious scholarship and research on the topic.  The New Age (for 
lack of a better term) aspect of German fascism was swept under the rug 
beginning with the Nuremberg war crimes trials, so this Egon guy probably never 
heard of it. I would never have heard of it either if I hadn't been meditating 
by some real fluke.  Nazi Germany was crawling with all kinds of gurus--not 
just Indian, but also Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese.  But as soon as the war 
was over in 45, they all vanished over night.  I mean totally vanished in one 
swell foop so radical that it must have been orchestrated through a single 
source. The guy who taught me when I was six was a left over who was
 hiding out under a shepherd's cloak.  

I know you're busy being a host to guests but I have to ask, are you assigning 
some malicious intent from these easterners in Germany or a compassionate one?

The Tibetans (in particular) had a long-standing connection with eastern 
Europe, esp. the Russian Tsars. In fact after the Tibetan diaspora numerous 
texts which were lost could only be rediscovered in Russia, where a large 
repository still exists.


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