Thanks Jim for reminding me of my empowerment when I'm into full
whining mode.  You get under my radar easily, calm me down a lot here
-- I owe ya a beer.

I don't live in FF.  I don't actually know anyone who knows any real
facts about the Pundit Kids, and my posts here are reactions to, well,
gossip that may be true.....or not.

I'll be glad to write to a 100 national reporters if I had a little
help from anyone here who knows something that a reporter can verify.  

I think the barbed wire is probably enough for, say, a Fox News report
to be spun, but if this is truly an illegal or obviously immoral
situation, then someone reading this post must be able to point out
various things I could include in a letter to really nail the issue.

I'm thinking that the slick-TMO has most bases covered, but this thing
just smells from where I'm at downwind.

That's why I'm posting here -- trying to see what can be seen by
others responding to me about this issue.

Who's got some nice cold, prima facie, red-handed evidence of fraud,
child abuse, "anti-American harsh disciplines," etc.?

I don't hate the people of Fairfield.  I wouldn't try to alert the
press unless I had some substantiation to back my play. If the press
gets into this as a headline-money-making story, it could change FF in
a bad way by besmirching the whole society when it's merely a few
thugs on campus making this thing keep going. I'd like to give a good
work-up of the scenario that helps any reporter follow the money.

I would hate to see BigMedia make GlobalBiz hay out of this if the
Pundit Kids are merely a case of an "intense spirituality program." 
The barbed wire is not enough proof to sic the press on ALL of
Fairfield, but it sure is a red flag that could indicate an abusive,
even criminal, situation.

Anyone got something for me?


--- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > I'll tell ya, this is a great story for some national reporter to
> > really pick up on.  This could be spun into, you know, "Children Held
> > Hostage In Barbed Wire Camps In Iowa" headlines.  I'm just sayin'.
> > 
> > So, somebody smack me with some good news about this, cuz right now,
> > given my above suspicions, I'm thinking that everyone in Fairfield is
> > like the town-folks living next door to Auschwitz.  
> > 
> With email at hand, it shouldn't take you long at all to craft a well
> written letter to as many of the national reporters as addresses you
> can find-- I'll bet you could build a database of a hundred in an
> afternoon-- and then send your suspicions about the Fairfield pundits
> to all of them, sit back and wait for your phone to start ringing...or
> not.
> I've been using this type of scrutiny with my stories (albeit my
> stories have been different than yours) for years now, and it really
> brings reality to light in a hurry.

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