--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ispiritkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi Shemp ~ I know you weren't writing to me in this post, but all 
> your same questions could just as well apply to stuff I've gone 
> through.  So for you and Bhairitu, I'll give a shot at explaining 
> this from an angle besides Radha's.  
> By the way, Radha, you have my sympathy, plus kudos for gaining 
> strength and pulling through, and for putting this before the world 
> with the guts it takes to inspire better behavior in people.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" wrote:
> > Do you not feel any responsibility at all for what happened?  
> Of course I feel responsibility for playing the dupe, for being 
> and gullible.  Those were faults of mine that needed to be fixed.  
> They were my faults, my responsibility.  Recognizing my 
> to the situation is part of the healing process.  
> > And you entered into the original guru-disciple 
> > relationship willingly and without coersion.
> I entered into the relationship willingly and with ignorance.  
> was not a guru-disciple relationship, but the same principles 
> apply.)  I believed my partner was acting from the same set of 
> principles, motivations, and belief system that I was, but I was 
> wrong.
> > I have alot of problem not only with people "giving" 
> > themselves over -- lock, stock, and barrel -- to gurus 
> > in other spiritual movements such as Muktananda's 
> I agree with you that it's a mistake to give oneself over, too, but 
> it still happens to people of good intentions.  Sometimes, quite 
> often I would guess, it's like falling in love, which is what 
> happened to me.  Falling in love causes so much foolishness and so 
> many mistakes, but it happens to all kinds of people all over the 
> world.  It's a human foible.  Watching one's friends go through it -
> and knowing that NOTHING can be done but wait until after the fall 
> pick up the pieces -- that's an exercise in patience and compassion.
> > Aren't you setting yourself up for the kind of thing 
> > that happened to you?  
> > And to let it happen again and again and again over years?
> Aaaaaabsolutely!  Other people had a hand in the set-up too.  Like 
> anyone in an authority position who preached that I must submit my 
> mind to theirs -- that my thoughts were not worth as much as 
> or that my thoughts were dismissible and their thoughts were to 
> the place of my own.  Parents do this, churches do this, 
> do this.  It's a way of life around the world.
> Furthermore, a person can be shown example after example in OTHER 
> people's lives and think, "Oh, that could never happen to me -- I'd 
> be smarter than THAT, I could see THAT coming, no one could get 
> with THAT with ME..."  I know because I said those things, I 
> believed that I would never be as naive and gullible and foolish as 
> the women I read about.  I was so superior!  And then it happened 
> me and WOW -- was I humbled!
> > And to then deny to yourself that it happened for years 
> > after...even years after the alleged perpetrator dies?
> The levels of denial involved can be astounding, totally boggling.  
> But completely sincere.
> > But, for God's sake, he put his penis inside your vagina.  
> > What the hell did you think was going on?
> Well, duhh, loving me, guiding me, helping me along my path because 
> he knew the way where I'd never been before.  Worshipping me, 
> me, in ways that I didn't fathom because he was such a mystery, 
> a wonderful, revered, and monumental mystery.

...doesn't sound like abuse to me.

If you're unhappy about the direction the relationship ultimately 
took then it sounds like miscommunication, not abuse.

> None of this is meant to mock you, Shemp, Bhairitu, and others who 
> wonder these things.  I mock myself if I mock you because I asked 
> these exact same questions.  I had the exact same incredulity when 
> heard the stories of others, that is, until it happened to me.  
> and only then, I knew a little of the depths where these women have 
> been.

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