My relationship with Tricia postdates either of our sojourns in Fairfield, and 
I'm unfamiliar with any of her work from her time there, though she's told me 
of some of what she did then.

You're probably right about the innocence, at least to some degree, of course.  
Age, experience, and whatever wisdom it brings, necessarily lessens, or at 
least tempers, innocence.  But I love what she does and the vision she has; and 
the temper of her pieces evoke, for me at least, a wonder and pleasure in the 
world that I appreciate and admire.

And she's an entirely delightful person.


--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@> wrote:
> >
> > Two current practitioners of surrealism I'd recommend are Tricia
> > Cline ( 
> I remember when Tricia and her sister lived in Fairfield, and I'm familiar 
> with the work she did back then. Looking at her newer stuff, it's clear that 
> she's technically more refined, but there's an innocence and softness in her 
> earlier works that is no longer there.

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