"A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.

 I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
what Xeno had to say unless he deliberately misrepresented me or something I 
said. If anyone else happens to be curious about the answers to the questions 
he asks, let me know. 

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