Radical anything (including TM) is a dire threat to the world, depending on 
what you mean by "radical." 

 and certainly, depending on one's definintion, it is trivially obvious that 
free will is an illusion.

 and I agree that [at least in many cases], science CAN guide our moral 
reasoning -again this is trivial, depending on definitions.


 What little I have seen and read of Sam Harris doesn't stun me, however.

 And he fails to make any real distinction between TM and mindfulness and 
focused attention practices: Lame-o.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <krysto@...> wrote :

 Talk of Sam Harris brings me out of the FFL shadows.  

 Harris is, in my view, one of the clearest and boldest thinkers in the world 
today.  One may disagree with any number of his positions (that radical Islam 
presents a dire threat to the world, that free will is an illusion, that 
science can guide our moral decisions) but the intelligence and power with 
which he expresses himself is stunning.  The surprising twist that this 
committed atheist and materialist is fascinated by the value that meditation 
can provide makes him all the more interesting.  Go for it, Rick!

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