A generous donor has pledged $ 1 million to support campus renovations 
necessitated by a continued expansion of Maharishi University of Management 
programs. -Buck the Prophet of Peace on FFL, fighting unkindness and the 
terrorism of Neganauts on FairfiedLife at Yahoo-groups on the internet   


 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!! 






---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 


  You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

 The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?



 The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  

  You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and rejected, 
yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a raft, out 
in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride and 
adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and 
the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying "I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me."

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 "I don't need your ladder. God will help me."

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says "God, why didn't you 
help me?"

 God says "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.


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