On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 14:20 +0530, aakash sharma wrote:
> See, one of the problems with open source is 
> ".........

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Firstly, there's support with open source software, just the same as
closed source.  The commercial RHEL has official support, and is
open-source, you pay for it, just like you pay for support with some
other OS from the evil empire.  The cost-free distros have plenty of
support, but it's mostly from unofficial sources.  And so is a lot of
the support for non-free OSs.

The other side of the coin is that the non-free OSs have just the same
issue.  We still have three Windows boxes left, they're official (i.e.
non pirate, original equipment with supplied OS), but the only support
that's ever been directly available for them is reading the
pre-published Microsoft help pages (as much fun to read as asking a
lawyer for advice), and unofficial user forums (the one's I've seen are
*far* worse than this mailing list).  Anything more would require paying
for help.

> The not-so-good news is that there's no single source of information.
> A simple question may result in multiple, conflicting answers with no
> authoritative source.
> ..."

Which isn't unique to open source software, either.  I can't think of
anybody I personally know who's ever used paid support, for any OS.  I
doubt any of them could afford it, anyway.  I've certainly read about
other people using paid support, and I've heard both praise and

Everyone I *know* users user-support forums, and they all suffer from
that problem.  Getting pulled in different direction, getting bad
advice, and poor asking of questions.  But there definitely *IS*

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