On Monday 21 July 2008 08:59:57 aakash sharma wrote:
> The live CD distros which I have used
> 1. DyneBolic (best distro for me)
> 2. Ubuntu (took hell lot of time to boot)
> 3. Gentoo (couldn't start GUI)
> 4. DSL (not as good as DyneBolic)
> See guys, the problem with using LiveCD is that I can't save my data and
> there is no customization.
> Every time I boot using LiveCD i need to run a series of jobs for
> customization.
> Plus, my drive becomes busy and launching applications takes time.
> I know there are more than 300 different linux distros out there, I just
> need to get one.
> My project needs simple basic structure of linux kernel.
> It doesn't require GNOME or KDE.
> But, as I am a newbie, I can't work on command line linux.
> So, please advice.
Ubuntu would, like Fedora, be running one of the big desktop managers.  KDE 
and Gnome are too heavy for your small amount of RAM.  If you install 
something small like Puppy you will not have to work from the command line.  
You may find some things easier than you thought from the command-line, but 
you will not be forced to use it.

Live CDs are good for getting a look at possibilities, but I would never 
choose to work from one.


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