On Monday 21 July 2008 09:50:34 aakash sharma wrote:
> See, one of the problems with open source is
> ".........
> THERE'S NO SUPPORT: The not-so-good news is that there's no single source
> of information. A simple question may result in multiple, conflicting
> answers with no authoritative source.
> ..."
> So, when you get tons of help but leading to different ways you get
> confused and even sometimes you think why are you asking the question.
> I am not a complete window user. I wanna leave it. I just need help of you
> guys.
> I actually got what to do with my System.
> This is for all newbies who want to switch to linux like me.
> It's really good that you guys are helping.
One of the things that newbies find disconcerting is that there are no hard 
answers in Linux.  There are always many ways to achieve what you want.  
Sometimes you can evaluate what people are telling you and decide which is 
going to be best for you.  Sometimes the only way is to try it and see.


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