my vets check paws - they have a different check sheet for exams as they only 
do cats
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his 
life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous

----- Original Message ----
From: Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:16:26 PM
Subject: Re: my poor snowy

Poor little Snowy.  Don't worry she'll forgive you by tomorrow.  You are right, 
getting her little paw healed up is far more important than the spaying.  It is 
in a cat's genes to not show pain or illness.  
Here is a link to a Physical Exam Check List.
Notice they don't have a section for legs/paws.  I wonder how many vets ever 
even look at a kitty's paws.  
Give her a special treat tonight.

Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well I won't be taking Snowy in for spaying this coming week.  I went to clip 
her nails tonight and noticed that there was a big lump on her right paw.  When 
I touched it she meowed so I got her into the emergency vet.  They told me I 
did nothing wrong that this had happened to her over a very long period of 
time.  Her nail had grown into her skin, along with hair and they had to put 
her under and remove it.  It had grown far into her pad and couldn't be removed 
easily.  I don't get this.  She had seen 2 vets prior to our getting her and no 
one noticed this.  Now the poor little thing has to be on antibiotics 
(Clindamycin) and wear one of those horrible hood things so she won't lick her 
paw.  She had a piece taken out of it and cauterized.  I am so sorry for what 
this poor little dear has been through in her short life.  I just hope all this 
trauma doesn't cause her herpes virus to resurface.  The first thing the vet 
did when we got her there was to
 squirt eye wash into her eyes and she got all upset.  I kind of yelled at him 
for doing that and asked why.  He said she looks like she has allergies and I 
said "she's a persian their eyes tear".  Fortunately there was a very 
knowledgeable technician present who seemed to know a lot more than this guy 

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