Karen, Your post was just heartbreaking. I can't stop thinking
about this poor little baby kitten.  Bless you for helping her
and loving her in her last hours.


On 08-17, Karen Griffith wrote:
> I received the most beautiful kitten on my doorstep this early morning.  
> She was a medium haired spotted girl.  Please help me give her a name as 
> she died on my lap after all efforts failed within 2 hours of her arrival.  
> Her right eye was out of the socket and she had obviously received a 
> tremendous blow. There was tremendous swelling to the right side of her 
> head (this had not happened recently-I feel that the eye had popped from 
> the socket from the cranial swelling).  Believe it or not, she was 
> semi-alert and loving, and cried for help.  Ice packs were applied to 
> reduce the swelling to the brain, and ALL of the usual veterinary trauma 
> techniques were used in an attempt to save her.  No kitten should die like 
> this.  Please light a candle for her as if she had been with a loving 
> person for all of her brief life. I can never get the look of love and hope 
> she gave me during her treatment from my mind.
> Please, please light a candle to light her tiny way.
> Karen

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