Dear Kim,

Your little baby just couldn't do it any more.  That's all.  Her little 
life just expended itself.  All the while she did have life in her, she had the 
warmth of your loving touch and the softness of your lips against her too, as 
surely you kissed her a thousand times or more in her brief little life.  Love 
is our only true form of communication with these precious creatures God has 
blessed us with, so you no doubt talked her little ears off. :)

I know you are suffering and questioning yourself.  That's natural.  Just don't 
burden yourself with too much of the latter.  You didn't intend any harm upon 
her, so your heart is pure.  Please believe that.

I cried for you this morning knowing the pain you are feeling, and my heart 
hurts for you.  Let me, and others here, lift you up with our prayers and 
affirmations of your love and kindness.  May God bless you.  

Mike <3
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