Yes, my Portia came back to me (I had fostered her when she was trapped & 
pregnant)...she was part of a group of 20 cats dumped behind a local library 
when her human was evicted/foreclosed on...she was in pathetic shape and we 
were unsure any of her kittens would survive.  Long story short, I was with her 
when she delivered three precious little bundles....who eventually went up for 
adoption.  Portia was deemed "unadoptable" because she was terrified of humans 
and would lash out at anyone who violated her "personal space" she was 
sent by the rescue group to a "sanctuary" in South FL.....that I was assured 
was "wonderful"....imagine my horror a month later when said sanctuary was 
raided and shut down by law enforcement....unsanitary, no medical care, 
experimentations....ugh.  I immediately contacted the group that sent her there 
and told them I was going to the place the next day and they had BETTER have 
contacted them to arrange for me to take her back.
During her month in that "sanctuary" she had lost another pound (she was 
underweight to begin with), had a broken canine and respiratory infection, and 
was even more traumatized than when I had first taken her in.
She has been with me now just a little under a year since that day....and 
actually allows me to pet her now.  She was NOT unadoptable...she just needed 
to find a home that had a bit of patience...I now consider her one of MY 
cats...but worry about her if something happens to me.  I am only 56...but you 
never know how long your time on earth will be.  I am busy trying to set my 
affairs in order that I will be able to provide for my 10 "babies" if I should 
die before them.....I wish there were a sanctuary similar to Rustic Hollow here 
in Florida....or that I could win the lottery and start my OWN sanctuary!

~ When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time" ~ 

> Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 22:56:21 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Finding homes for cats upon death
> The trust issue is a big thing with 2 of mine. Annie went through a lot when 
> yher owner died. i think the worst of it was not knowing what happened to her 
> owner. she had been an only cat for 4 years, sleeping on the lady's bed, 
> super spoiled. then she was locked up for 3 weeks with someon coming to feed 
> and change her box. then put in a box and brought to the vet's office and 
> then came to my house where she encontered another cat and 2 new people. she 
> spent the first 2 weeks in the basement, sneaking pu at night to eat and 
> drink.
> Nitnoy showed up with a bloody 4" stump of a tail. took her to the vet for 
> repairs and shots and spaying and then brought her home to 7 other cats. I 
> later found her tail in the yard and discovered it was a raccoon who did it 
> when one showed up on the deck and looked in the window. she went balistic 
> and nearly killed me trying to get away from him. she is still sensitive 
> about her tail and after almost a year allows me to hold her. That is why I 
> think a place like Rustic Hollow would be good for my girls and boy, they 
> have a "home" environment to live in. I am also going to send a letter for 
> each one telling about all their personalities, etc. I am doing the letters 
> now just in case. I am 70 after all. I have also arranged with someone to 
> drive them to Rustic Hollow.
> ---- Lorrie <> wrote: 
> > On 12-21, Debbie Bates wrote:
> > > 
> > > Lorrie, that is something I lay awake at night worrying about
> > > myself...not only my own cats, but the ferals I have TNR'd and care
> > > July I was hospitalized for almost three weeks....thank
> > > goodness my husband was able to care for them (well, as much as he
> > > could)....but I hesitate to do any more rescue work because I am
> > > not a spring chicken any more...and who will take them if and when
> > > I die? Some of my cats came from very bad places and have trust
> > > issues....most are not very friendly to strangers....and I don't
> > > make the kind of money where I can provide a lot even IF I could
> > > find someone I could trust...I'm not sure there is a perfect
> > > solution....we just do the best we can.
> > 
> > I know exactly how you feel........ All of my 14 cats, with the
> > exception of 2, are afraid of strangers, which is the case with 
> > most rescued cats or rehabilitated semi-ferals.
> > 
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