did she also have a tendecy to avoid the liter box.  Casey does that.

---- Marta Gasper <marta.gas...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Vicky..abt kitty #2 that you said vomits a lot, it isn't necesaraly b/c he's 
> long haired..I assume you meant he hacks up hairballs, or does he vomits 
> clear liquid? Clear could be trying to bring up a hairball too but at 11 I'd 
> have him checked for a renal condition.
> Cats with CRF throw up very often, I had a 10 yr oldĀ  that was sick almost 
> every other day, she was fine otherwise but her kidneys were failing. I 
> didn't know the first year until she had a senior panel.
> So if you haven't done it, I'd suggest you go that route for him.
> Marta
> http://homelessnomore.webs.com/

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