Thanks for relating your experience, Sally. That link might come in handy, too. 
I wish we had more to go on than anecdotes, though. It seems like there haven't 
been that many studies done to confirm what treatments work best. I'm 

Virbagen Omega

I don't know if I can afford Neupogen, and when I talked to my vet about it, 
she seemed uncertain. It has a reputation for causing bone pain, and if I can 
help it, I don't want to give Ember something that makes her miserable. 

Virbagen Omega is expensive, but I know (roughly) how much it costs, and it's 
worth it to me if it can help Ember. There seems to have been some success in 
its use. Unfortunately, it still doesn't seem to be available here, and 
shipping is a good chunk of its cost.

LTCI and ImmunoRegulin seem affordable and potentially useful. When I was last 
looking into these options, there wasn't much evidence to support LTCI's 
benefits. It seems to have become more accepted over the last few years, but 
I'm still feeling cautious about it.

I'll do a more thorough scan of the list's archives soon, and I'm going to call 
a few vets tomorrow. 


On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Sally Davis <> wrote:

> Lance,
> Two of my cats got this. Junior went from being anemic to borderline low and 
> his fevers which had been as high as 106.5 went away. Now As I am reading 
> more I wish I had kept him on it.  Tiny wasa asymptomatic but he was 
> positive. He actually passed 4 mos after testing positive. The felv probably 
> played a part. He most likely threw a clot  I was with him and was too 
> sudden. There was no emergency vet visit. The worst part was he died on 
> Chstmas day. I miss them all.I ordered the IR from Revival Pet supply. I 
> ordered mine direct does not require a presciption. 
> It was more if my vet 
> ordered it. I took the vial in to the vet's office and a tech  gave him the 
> injection IV.
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