My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any
sources I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley" <> wrote:

> Hi Maya
> The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest
> of the stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the
> fever will dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-20-15 8:03 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update
> Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
> On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley" <> wrote:
> Maya
> No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you
> start him on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The
> virus is in there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its
> own. Don’t wait until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.
> Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal
> haematology results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete.
> That was in June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and
> seemed to improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious
> illness and we almost didn’t get him back.
> If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone
> marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to
> reverse. Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to
> repair damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive
> measure now and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears
> that you have achieved a bit of a reprieve now.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-19-15 11:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Merlot status update
> So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV,
> as his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled
> out.
> His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse,
> bad that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and
> I've just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him
> for the night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more
> perky and like himself, but we are still on high alert.
> The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen
> cats come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in
> first thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will
> make some more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to
> try Winstrol tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two
> antibiotics right now, an anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
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