My Google search also pulled up a textbook called “Feline Internal Medicine 
Secrets” by Michael R Lappin. On page 318, in the chapter entitled “Anorexia 
and Weight Loss”, Winstrol is listed as an “Appetite stimulating drug”.

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any sources 
I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley" 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Maya

The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest of the 
stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the fever will 
dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley" 
<<>> wrote:

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears that you have 
achieved a bit of a reprieve now.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-19-15 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as 
his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out.

His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad 
that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've 
just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the 
night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more perky and like 
himself, but we are still on high alert.

The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen cats 
come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in first 
thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will make some 
more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to try Winstrol 
tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two antibiotics right now, an 
anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo

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