At 10:47 AM 7/12/02 -0700, Lee Actor wrote:
>Dennis, it sounds like we have very similar goals for what we want out of
>Finale.  For me, the "part" feature is absolutely solved by the TGTools
>"Smart Explosion" and "Smart Distribution" features.

Perhaps it's improved. I just tried it -- the module of v1.88 does work in
F2K3. But there seems to be no way to tag a part so it can find it if it's
been split out under two names. I'll have to look at a later version to see
if there are options to trace the movement of parts to other staves.

And maybe I'm not making clear what I mean by part. One player's job during
a performance -- which, in new music, might include switching instruments
or places during a performance, changing to a vocal line, etc. One player,
one part, whatever its purpose. That would, in more traditional scores,
mean breaking out soli, creating short sections of divisi, or changing to
an instrument in a range different from the staff it used to be on (Bb
clarinets changing to Eb and contrabass respectively, for example).
Something tagged as a part would always be kept together.

>For a higher quality MIDI demo, I can take the MIDI
>sequence into Sonar and spend not inconsiderable effort "properly" tweaking
>it for real samplers, etc.

Yes, that's what I do. All my demos take Finale's raw Midi and use it in
Sonar that way. It would still be great to have real parts, though. After
finishing the score, I find myself having to create lots of dummy staves
first (through exploding and sometimes plain old copying) in order to get
separated track and patch outputs to import into Sonar.

Some of these Midi productions are not just demos. Although the scores can
be performed, their actual use is as (for example) sound
installation/environment, visualization processing, or film score.


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