On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 08:15 AM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 04:48 PM, David H. Bailey wrote:

I believe those who upgrade from 2002 pay a higher price --

Not if they enter the promotional code, they don't!

Thanks to the list for alerting me to the code, though -- I would never have noticed otherwise.

Um... *What* promotional code? What e-mail? Nobody's told me nothin'. What gives?

You have to be signed up to receive their promotional newsletters by email. Also, as has been stated before, some SPAM filters have "caught" this message and thrown it away before it reaches the intended recipient.

Actually, even my email receipt for purchase was caught by the spam filter! Thank goodness I just have "caught" messages sent to my Deleted Items and not removed outright.

Brad Beyenhof

Finale mailing list

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