On Jan 16, 2006, at 7:32 PM, TheSin wrote:

just make sure it doesn't break apache2 please or php4/5 since I know the pcre stuff is odd in those.
Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 16-Jan-06, at 5:07 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:

Is it safe to assume that Christian Swinehart is MIA? I've seen discussion of this before and my own emails to him from a year ago have never been answered. I'd like to update pcre since fink's version (4.5) is pretty ancient and I've been using the latest version (6.4) for a few months now with no issues. Note that pcre now includes a C++ wrapper lib, libpcrecpp, so it would have to have a GCC field. I've compiled it with both g++ 3.3 and 4.0.1 successfully for what it's worth, and noted so in the info file.

Any objections if I take it over?

Is there any reasonably simple way I can test this? I have very little experience with Apache or PHP. I do know that postfix works with the new version, even if built with the old pcre.

Daniel Johnson
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