On Sep 1, 2009, at 06:06 , Jack Howarth wrote:

>     My guess would be that you could be suffering from bad blocks
> on your drive. If you have AppleCare, you can use the free TechTool
> Deluxe that they provide to scan for those. As for deleting that
> file, read the article at...
> http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20061109235901299\
> as they mention this file, I believe...
>     Entourage data Spotlight may not properly search Entourage data  
> under some circumstances. There are a few fixes for this issue:
>         * Open Entourage's preferences and press "rebuild" under  
> Spotlight Preferences
>         * Restart and wait a few minutes while Spotlight indexes  
> the new data.
>         * Move the files "Microsoft Entourage.mdimporter" and  
> Microsoft "Office.mdimporter" from /Library/Spotlight to ~/Library/ 
> Spotlight and then use the following command in the Terminal (the  
> Terminal is located in Applications/Utilities): mdimport ~/Library/ 
> Caches/Metadata/Microsoft/Entourage/2004

        Eduardo already said that he uninstalled Office some years ago, and  
may not wish to reinstall it to go through this procedure.  I would  
say that these two files didn't come with the OS, and therefore the  
OS shouldn't miss them if they are deleted.

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