On Sep 1, 2009, at 15:30 , Eduardo Pestana wrote:

> "sudo mdutil -E /" then "sudo rm -fr /.Spotlight-V100"
> it always chokes at about 9% done.  Something new I found using  
> "Activity Monitor", "Inspect" and "Open Files and Ports" is that in  
> the entry:
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ 
> HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/ 
> Localized.rsrc ->0x54cfd0
> the pointer? address? "->0x54cfd0" alternates with something like
>  "no FD socket available?"
> I already repaired the permissions, and did "/sbin/fsck -fy" said ok.
> Something strange is that some permissions, even after two passes,  
> stay the same, they are not set to their standard values.
> Any clues?

        Then i second Mr. Howarth's earlier suggestion of a possible hard  
drive problem.

Using a rusty Amiga 4000T, a shiny PowerMac G5, & a homebuilt Ubuntu box

Well shucky darn and slop the chickens.

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