Dear Jack, David,

I did

"sudo mdutil -E /" then "sudo rm -fr /.Spotlight-V100"

it always chokes at about 9% done.  Something new I found using "Activity
Monitor", "Inspect" and "Open Files and Ports" is that in the entry:


the pointer? address? "->0x54cfd0" alternates with something like
 "no FD socket available?"

I already repaired the permissions, and did "/sbin/fsck -fy" said ok.
Something strange is that some permissions, even after two passes, stay the
same, they are not set to their standard values.

Any clues?

Best and thanks,

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 10:12 AM, David Lowe <> wrote:

> On Sep 1, 2009, at 06:06 , Jack Howarth wrote:
>     My guess would be that you could be suffering from bad blocks
>> on your drive. If you have AppleCare, you can use the free TechTool
>> Deluxe that they provide to scan for those. As for deleting that
>> file, read the article at...
>> as they mention this file, I believe...
>>    Entourage data Spotlight may not properly search Entourage data under
>> some circumstances. There are a few fixes for this issue:
>>        * Open Entourage's preferences and press "rebuild" under Spotlight
>> Preferences
>>        * Restart and wait a few minutes while Spotlight indexes the new
>> data.
>>        * Move the files "Microsoft Entourage.mdimporter" and Microsoft
>> "Office.mdimporter" from /Library/Spotlight to ~/Library/Spotlight and then
>> use the following command in the Terminal (the Terminal is located in
>> Applications/Utilities): mdimport
>> ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft/Entourage/2004
>        Eduardo already said that he uninstalled Office some years ago, and
> may not wish to reinstall it to go through this procedure.  I would say that
> these two files didn't come with the OS, and therefore the OS shouldn't miss
> them if they are deleted.
> Using a rusty Amiga 4000T, a shiny PowerMac G5, & a homebuilt Ubuntu box
> We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full.
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