On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 08:33:01PM -0500, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> Without us seeing some context for this error, such as the full output
> of the line before that, it's hard to say where that's coming from.

I spent some time tonight working with some kind folks on #fink and
finally got it working.  Here's what I did:

1. Looked under /sw/lib for libraries linked to
   /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.0.dylib.  It turned out 4 modules were
   involved -- fontconfig2-dev, fontconfig2-shlibs, wxgtk2.8, and

2. For the fontconfig2 modules, I just had to 'fink rebuild' them,
   then 'fink install'.

3. For the wxgtk2.8 modules, I had to first 'fink remove' them, and
   then 'fink rebuild' them.  After that the builds completed with

4. Finally I ran 'fink rebuild gnuplot' and it compiled cleanly!

Thanks for everyone's help!


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