IA> When you have a single user (filling the info in the database) you don`t
IA> feel the difference because it is basically the same CPU core doing the
IA> work.

Here is more information (from my logs and memory):

The LOAD was set to simulate 10 users inserting information at the same
time so, there was 10 connections and 10 threads acting at the same
time to fill up the DB.

Some weird results also appeared when comparing FB 3 TPC-C results in
the notebook. FB 3 performance was 50% worse compared to FB 2.5
SS/CS/SC. From my logs:

2.5.1 CS - TPC-C Throughput: 1390.19 tpmC
2.5.1 SC - TPC-C Throughput: 1221.92 tpmC <- Affinity set to 1
2.5.1 SS - TPC-C Throughput: 1306.06 tpmC

2.5.2 CS - TPC-C Throughput: 1144.95 tpmC
2.5.2 SC - TPC-C Throughput: 1156.87 tpmC <- Affinity set to 1
2.5.2 SS - TPC-C Throughput: 1358.34 tpmC

3.0 SS - TPC-C Throughput: 514.43 tpmC (SharedCache was true and SharesDatabase 
was false)

Notebook config:

Windows 7 Pro 64bits
Intel Core i5 2410M
500GB Sata 7200rpm

I agree that in a real scenario, a notebook would not be used as a
server, but I wonder why such bad performance, even when compared to
FB 2.5.2 SS attached to single CPU. Curious that the LOAD process
seems to not suffer from the problem.

I just hope nothing similar will show up in real servers, since it
would be very disappointing to the user if he moves to FB 3 expecting
huge improvement and find out that it started to behave worse than FB

I plan to start a global "testing" campaign at FirebirdNews.org when
FB 3 alpha shows up, in the hope to detect all possible "bad"
behaviors and bugs, in the hope to speed up the release process.

FireBase - http://www.FireBase.com.br

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