On 19-11-2012 14:39, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>> Are there any suggestions what I should try to do next? We have actually 2 
>> similar servers, both running 2.5.1SC (for now). The other server COULD be 
>> equipped with CS instead, if that would make a lot of sence as a trial. Even 
>> SS, as it primarily serves a lot of different databases with only a few 
>> connections on each.
>> Your call, Alex :)
> If 8 cores are not 100% loaded, this becomes more windows + amd rather 
> than firebird issue. I give up.

What was being tested?

There may be no sense to load all cores and let them wait for disk IO.
Or was the benchmark done with something pure CPU-bound (a stored
procedure doing math in a loop, for example)?


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