19.04.2017 22:10, Leyne, Sean wrote:
> Again, you are thinking far too narrowly -- trying to define a problem to 
> convenience frame of reference.

   Ok, let me think wider: tell me why you need to move whole tables to other 
server so 
often and so quickly? May be you'd better use continuous replication of changes 
instead of 
repeated transfer of whole tables?
   You said that there is no simple solution for your problems. It means that 
you tried 
something. Did you try to use of stored aggregates or any kind of OLAP? How 
clustering, sharding or other way of horizontal scaling?

> Really, how do you propose to coordinate the transactions account the 
> separate processes (potentially different hosts)?

   What? So far you talked about transactions from one multi-threaded 
application. Where 
"different hosts" came from all of sudden?

> Ad-hoc queries?!!??? Huh???
> Where was I advocating Ad-Hoc queries?

 From that conversation I came to conclusion that your system don't use 
statements at all.

   WBR, SD.

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