13.10.2021 15:44, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
Vlad Khorsun wrote 13.10.2021 14:39:
Due to this, I see no reason to replicate physical
layout of master database to the replica. I.e. TABLESPACE-related statements
should not be replicated at all, IMO. Other opinions ?

   I fully agree with not replicated "CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLESPACE" but what to do with 

  I see two ways to handle it

a) corresponding part of statement should be omitted when replicating, or

b) on replica side it could be handled by looking for target tablespace by name
  and replacing it by another one (pre-defined by DBA), if not found. I.e. if
  on master we have TABLESPACE TS1 and on replica it is absent, table will
  be created in PRIMARY TABLESPACE, if other was not specified by DBA for
  replica. Of course, some way to specify that non-mathced TABLESPACE is 
  Perhaps not at the initial version of code.

  We also might combine (a) and (b) by introducing some setting for replication
on master side.


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