Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> I actually don't think the translation is very bad, but it will need a
> lot of work in editing after translation if the entire translation is
> done like this with incorrect use of the/a/an, weird language use (eg
> operator instead of statement, launched instead of executed) and
> domain-contextually incorrect language.

I think the main problem with this translation is that it was almost
certainly done by a native Russian speaker, which explains the trouble
with the articles (Russian has none).

I've done a lot of translation work myself and rule number one is:
always let a native speaker of the target language do the translation.
Sometimes, someone who has lived for a long time in another country
and speaks the language on a daily basis can be just as good, but that
is rare.

A Dutch person living in the Netherlands and teaching English at a Dutch
high school, for instance, should *not* do Dutch -> English translations,
even if he studied English at the university and may have a bigger
vocabulary than the average Englishman.

To me like to others, the translation sample doesn't feel right. It's as
if the person who wrote it isn't really comfortable with the language.

But I guess native English speakers should have the final word on this.
After all, I'm also a non-native English speaker (as well as a non-native
Russian non-speaker ;-))

Paul Vinkenoog

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