Monday, November 13, 2017, 12:03:31 AM, Mark wrote:

> The migration from SourceForge CVS to GitHub has been completed. The 
> repository is at
> (with clone URL
> or 
> )

> If there are any problems or questions, let me know.

Over the weekend I did some commits.  a few things:

Paul, when you have a moment, could you look at what I did:

1. Created a new../refdocs/images subdir, currently containing the
images for the ODBC manual.
2.  Created a new ../refdocs/fbodbc205 directory containing the source
for the ODBC manual.
3.  Added fbodbc205 to refdocs.xml.

I did all this with pushing from my local repo.

Actually I had to do a minor update today as I'd left something out,
so the commit messages don't all reflect what I did yesterday. ;-)

Next thing, I have source files for the build of the CHM file, for use
with the M$ help compiler, all zipped up.  Where should I put them?
I'll write a little readme.

The other thing is - we don't seem to have a notification channel for
checkins to this repository.  Can something similar be done for this
one as was done for the main Firebird repo?  (After a lot of messing
about, we finally got main repo notifications coming into
firebird-checkins a few weeks ago.  I'm not sure they are perfect yet,

I'll need to do another lot, for the Developer's Guide, when I get the
go-ahead from Denis.  It's good to go Beta for reviewing, as far as
I'm concerned, but I understand Denis still has a meaty job to do
translating his source code downloads.  That doesn't affect the
production of the book at all, except that every chapter ends with a
link to the respective source code pack and they are all at some stage
of being re-done. I haven't heard from Denis for a couple of weeks, so
I don't know exactly where we're at.  If anyone is interested in
taking a browse through the PDF or the HTML, the latest builds are in
my repository at in the /dist
subdirectory.  Note that gitHub's PDF browser is not crash-hot;  it's
better to download it when the Download button appears.


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