Quoting Paul D. Robertson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> "Could," but that's not what's implied by their literature:
> http://www.webex.com/home/services_oncall.html?Track=hometext
> "WebEx OnCall agents can instantly engage customers in on-line interactive 
> support sessions live over the Web without the need to pre-install or 
> pre-configure any software. "

You might very well be the first person in the security field to even
read marketing blarb. I prefer the lab method, saves me some headaches
and contact to sales personnel and websites I can not read with lynx.

> Futher on down the same page:
> "Netscape Communicator 4.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, JavaScript and 
> cookies enabled"
> If they're opening sockets and not tunneling over HTTP using Netscape and 
> Javascript (note: not Java- Javascript) then they've got some pretty 
> darned impressive programmers. 

You must have never looked at the tool, have you? There's no other way,
I could explain your misconceptions. These requirements are used to
establish a connection to a website, enter credentials (such as
username, password, meeting code, meeting password, etc.) and then to
download the actual WebEx client, a Java or ActiveX program,
dependin on your choice of OS and Browser.

The only place I could find Javascrip was during the first few
seconds, when a small Javascript fragment is used to generate a random
number and insert in via document.write() to trick a few braindead
proxies into accepting this page as a new page (one cannot rely on
pragma nocache anymore, blame Microsoft). Javascript is also used to
deliver the webiste components, such as rollovers and popups, but
that's about it.

I understand now, that you based your analysis on marketing material
and sales-typical misconceptions. This is, well, unique, and neither
very scientifical nor accurate.

> > Please, show me a usage scenario in which a released employee, from
> > remote, activates this remote control functionality. He will need
> > exactly that level of access he would gain by activating this feature
> > to activate it. IF the user has the ability to start the client, he
> > already HAS full access to the desktop.
> Certainly he does- however unlike Sub7 who's ~350 variants can be 
> automatically be put into the malcode category, suddenly firewalls are 

Sub7 calls bind(). This is what makes Sub7 dangerous. Sub7 establishes
a presence on the host system by calling bind() and listening for
incoming connections. You still seem to confuse bind()/listen() 
and connect().

> supposed to automatically know which support connections are "good" and 
> which are "bad."  Such trends reduce the protective value of the 
> firewall's protection model significantly- and with cooperative 
> engineering need not do so.

Incoming vs. outgoing connection, Sir. You compare a passive system
(Sub7) with an active system (WebEx). Once installed, the former
establishes a presence, the latter does not.

> > The WebEx client is not bound to a socket, cannot be accessed inbound
> > and requires ative interaction *on the shared dektop* to share the
> > desktop. Again, how would you propose I'd do that?
> There are plenty of record/playback features which can be automated and 
> scheduled.

I do not need to use WebEx for this kind of approach. In fact, WebEx
would be my least likely choice, I'd use hundreds if not thousands of
other approaches if I had enough access to a system to install a
record/playback tool.

To use WebEx in the manner you imply, and I repeat myself here, the
most likely approach would be to:

| ---[ none of these steaps can be performed but by a local user ]---
| a) As a legitimate user of the system to be compromised, download the
|    WebEx client bits and pieces.
| b) Still, as a legitimate user, I have to tweak my local Java or
|    ActiveX vm to send WIN_GETEVENT() notices outside of its sandbox.
|    Quite an undertaking with Java, and pretty impossible with ActiveX
|    in its current incarnations.
| c) Still, as a legitimate user, I have to install a scheduler and a
|    recorder/playback program.
| ---[ none of these steaps can be performed but by a local user ]---
| Now, from here on out, I am speculating on a few points:
| The organization involved does not exercise due dilligence procedures,
| does not ensure a clear segregation of duties and keeps actually
| problematic information on said dektop. It is also assumed that the
| user in question is able to leave his desktop running unattended, in a
| unsecured network segment and does not chose any of the easier methods
| to bug his computer. Also, Port80 outbound is not filtered and does
| not witness inspection by any kind of proxy/payload checker.
| d) The user waits at home until the scheduled hour. Now he has to
|    obtain a phony company name, pay WebEx the amount of money they
|    require before allowing him to use WebEx, and create a meeting.
| e) The "infected" PC executes its damage routines, plays back the
|    recorded message, somehow mysteriously knowing the meeting number
|    which has been assigned to the meeting in question, and connects.
| f) A sophisticated desktop scanner finds the buttons to press and
|    allows the attacker to remote control the desktop.

Sounds pretty far fetched? Yes, it does, because it is. I am not sure
how you drew your conclusions, but basically I cannot find a way to
reach the same ones you did.

> > So, what you're saying here, is that you compare apples and oranges to
> > draw your conclusions?
> What I'm saying is that when one talks about fruit, the difference between 
> an apple and and orange isn't as significant as the difference between an 
> apple and a rock.

Security is about precision, informed decisions, clear definitions and
a strong exercise of required research. 

> To ignore tunnels because they're easy to make is silly.  To promote 

Whay are you constantly ranting about tunnels? I was under the
impression we are taling about a protocol. Not an embedded envelope or
any other feature someone would call a "Tunnel". If I am installing an
FTP server on my system and perform a bind(int s, const struct
sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) at port 80, is that a "Tunnel"? No,
it is not!

I consider this discussion to be futile and generally off-topic here,
please move this off-list and mail me directly, thanks.


Jonas M Luster -- d-fensive networks, Inc. -- http://www.d-fensive.com
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