Hi there & thanks for this the great fish shell!

A (maybe) silly questions from someone not grown up in Linux world: Some
programs offering remote SSH functionality do open & expect a SSH
connection and try to execute commands using POSIX syntax.

As I switched to fish those programs do fail. Examples are sshuttle [1]
and Back in Time [2] i.e. like this:

   fish: Unknown command 'd=0'. Did you mean 'set d 0'? See the help
   section on the set command by typing 'help set'.
   Standard input: d=0;test -e /tmp || d=1;test $d -eq 1 && mkdir /tmp;
   err=$?;test $d -eq 1 && exit $err;test -d /tmp || exit 11;test -w
   /tmp || exit 12;test -x /tmp || exit 13;exit 20

Obviously those programs expect a POSIX compliant shell on the remote side.

What does fish think is the 'correct' way to tackle this?

- Ben

[1] https://github.com/brianmay/sshuttle
[2] http://backintime.le-web.org

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