Thank you Steve and everybody else for your feedback and research!

This was exactly the pointer I was looking for, so I have some good
arguments on asking the projects to explicitly invoke 'sh' instead of
relying on some [poorly chosen ;-)] default shell.

Am 02.01.2014 20:35, schrieb Stestagg -
> In a POSIX compliant system, you should be able to rely on 'sh' being
> available in the system PATH (you can't rely on where 'sh' is without
> interrogating the system which is hard to do remotely):
> Where possible, utilities shouldn't expect a user's interactive shell to
> be POSIX compliant, or make any assumptions about a user's shell, so
> explicitly invoking 'sh' is much better practice. 
> Having said that, I can see why some projects may not be particularly
> concerned about this.
> Steve

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