Hello all, a Fish n00b and -already a- worshipper here.

I would like to know your opinion about presenting suggestions based on
path's history in contrast to global suggestions - as we are commonly used

As I often find myself doing the same repetitive stuff at the same places
all over again (a good part of systems' administration is quite repetitive)
a really nice feature for me would be that the shell suggests me
completions to the commands I issue based on the history of the path I'm
standing at - the "local" history in contrast with the "global" history.

Please take a look at this example:

~> mkdir a; and cd a
~/a> ls -lah
total 8,0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 user users 4,0K Apr  9 20:08 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 user users 4,0K Apr  9 20:08 ../
~/a> ..
~> ls -rtF
~> cd a
l~/a> ls -rtF <-- with ls arguments grayed out.

For me it would be really useful that once again in "a" I am offered with
"ls -lah" instead ls -rtF as in this example ls -lah "takes relevance" over
ls -rtF.

*Note: the way Fish actually shows suggestions when browsing history, first
the ones relevant to the local path and then completing with the global
history is just perfect.

On a side note I would like to thank everyone involved with Fish's
development as I've been using it as my main shell since a month or so and
I already know I can never look back to other traditional shells.
Fish is one of those apps that you don't realize how desperately you need
it until you start using it, just like tmux or GNU Screen, Emacs or Vim.
Since I started using Fish I _barely_ miss the 138 aliases I used everyday
on Bash as Fish's voodoo black magic powers take care of almost every
aspect of my fishing :D
(Silly pun, I know, but this shell it's just too fishy to hold them)
(Recursive puns rules).

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