
so is there a way to have suggestions categorised? that way one could
say ok i was history *hits* first then whatever tab-completion would do
in other shells, like command/path completion and then other stuff. this
like the way vimperator and friends do it.

now since that's should result in closer results for each user, is there
a way to accept the suggestion by default. meaning hitting <Enter> will
not just accept the suggestion but also execute it. that would be like
apple's Safari's (and webkit derivatives in general)  address bar
the idea is that user
1. exhausts suggestions [let him type]
2. finds a close suggestion and wants to modify/edit it
3. suggestion is good and wants it executed right away

so i would argue 3 is the majority of the cases _if_ history is included
in suggestions (which i don't have it at the moment, will have to read
the man).

for 2 <backspace> should clear the suggestion off the line and stay off.

i can expalin more if need be, just let me know.

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