Hi Alan,

Glad to hear you like fish :)

The ⏎ character is meant to be visible when the output of the last run program 
did not have a trailing newline, and so fish had to insert one. Since fish 
can’t actually see that output, it has to accomplish this by printing the 
marker, then a bunch of spaces, then a \r to go back to the beginning of the 
line, then one more space. If this occurred when the cursor was at the 
beginning of the line, it will end up where it started; otherwise it will wrap 
to the next line.

For the emacs ansi-term incompatibility, can you please open an issue at 
https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues ? I wasn’t able to reproduce 
this behavior in my tests, so anything you can tell us about your config will 
be helpful.


On Apr 9, 2014, at 11:42 PM, Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> 

> Hello,
> I really like fish, and I also really like emacs. So I'm looking into
> using fish in a terminal running inside emacs. Most things work well,
> with a few caveats. For instance, I have an extra character each time
> I enter a command:
> ,--------------------------------
> | schmitta@top-wifi ~/D/Inbox> cd
> | ⏎
> | schmitta@top-wifi ~> 
> `--------------------------------
> I'm using `ansi-term' as terminal emulation.
> I was wondering if someone knows where this extra character comes from.
> If you have any tip on making emacs and fish work better together, I'd
> gladly take them.
> Thanks,
> Alan
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