This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Susan and Heather, Not at all unusual!!!!  I just knew the dates were
wrong and she would foal a month earlier.....mainly so I would not be so
stressed out waiting.  Wish I had used the mare foaling kit for the first
one.  I remember reading every terrifying thing about what could go wrong,
every twitch set me off.  I know my mare was wondering what change I was
going through.  I slept on the hay bales, restless etc.  She foaled during
the afternoon after acting quite secretive, i.e. trying to hide behind a
slender tree and furtively building some kind of nest in the buttercups.  I
dragged her into the barn where her stall was immaculately clean and straw
filled.  She strained, lay down and just as the feet appeared so did the
Vet.  The next time she had a foal I was ready with the foaling predictor
kit kit and I delivered the foal, with her help of course.  And all was
well.  Try to relax and believe in Mother Nature.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark and Lisa McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Friday, April 21, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Newcomer in your midst.

>This message is from: Mark and Lisa McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Is she leaking at the teat yet?  Has she been standing around in one place
>kind of zombie eyed? This is what our mare did 12 hours before she went
>a quick labor and had an easy birth.  I think you could relaxe a little on
>the 4th foal.
>I bet you're mare will foal the first night that you are not camping in the
>barn!  They seem to like to have them when you're not around.
>northern Wisconsin
>Susan Gray wrote:
>> This message is from: "Susan Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hello Fjord Mailing List.  My name is Susan and with my partner,
>> Heather, we have two Fjords (mare, Kari and her gelding son, Pluto) with
>> "our" first foal due anytime now.  I say anytime 'cause our mare will be
>> 11 months, 11 days today.  We are fit to be tied.  Heather has a tent
>> set up in the barn and has been sleeping there for the past five nights.
>> The walkie talkie is always on and we are living like hermits.  At times
>> we think it could happen any minute, at other times she doesn't even act
>> pregnant. Unfortunately, we do not have info regarding her previous
>> deliveries (this will be her fourth), which would have been helpful.  We
>> are  super viligent...yet growing more impatient.  Our lives have
>> stopped. Is this normal first time syndrome and something that you grow
>> out of or are we indeed nuts????  Thanks in advance for any thoughts,
>> advice or stories.  Congrats to all those fillies and colts being born
>> out there!
>> Susan Gray & Heather Colson
>> Mad Woman Farm (we named our farm long before our mare was inseminated!)
>> Amherst, MA

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