This message is from: "Carl & Sarah Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am writing to the list on behalf of our friend, Chip Lamb - Quad-L Ranch
and my dear niece, Jenny Sanders who works with Chip.  Yesterday, a mare of
Chip's -- Kay Kay -- died of an apparent twisted intestine.  This is a
particularly difficult loss of a beloved mare and it's made harder right now
because Kay Kay had just foaled the day before her death.

We have taken a mare who has accepted other foals before and are trying to
give her the idea that this is her foal now.  She is allowing the foal to
nurse and she is tolerating the foal.  She has not totally "accepted" the
foal, however.   We do feel we have a chance that this might happen over the
next few days.  And we are of course hopeful that new mom will begin to
produce milk .... she has evidence of some milk in her teats now, even tho
it's a very small amount.

Jennie worked with the foal and has the foal drinking foal-lac from a bottle
following each nursing from her substitute mom.  Everytime a "person mom"
comes into the stall, this beautiful baby starts looking for the bottle!  We
are truly encouraged.

Do any of you have experience regarding raising an orphan foal?  We need the
info ... we are determined to do everything possible help this little one
make it.  Please let us know via this list, or by a phone call or private

Also, please pray that the Lord will strengthen this foal, and that He will
give Chip and Jen lots of wisdom, strength, hope and encouragement!

Thank you all!

(208) 265-9491

Jennie Sanders / Teresa Sanders  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(208) 265-2318

Chip Lamb
(208) 263-3344

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