At 09:16 AM 6/10/2007, Phil LaMarche wrote:
>No one answered this yesterday.... Seeing the RF out of the SDR1K is the
>same for 6 and HF, one would need a duplexer to operate on 6.  Or, seeing I
>am driving an Amp, perhaps it would be better to use a rotary switch to go
>from the output to the appropriate load, amp or 6 meter stuff. I know this
>is simple stuff but want to make sure I do it right.
>Does anyone know if 500mW will drive a solid state amp that requires 10
>watts max for 170 w. I know the power would be reduced but even 80 or so is
>OK on 6. I sure there are some 6 meter guys out there.
>Thanks in advance.
>Philip LaMarche
>LaMarche Enterprises, Inc.
With 1/20th the drive, you get 1/20th the output since it's a 
"linear" amplifier or 8.5 watts out. It's not a great idea to take an 
amplifier and way under drive it since the crossover distortion 
remains the same but the total output power is lower.


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