* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Wilson) [2001.12.22 08:27]:
> Cameron Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Speaking of which, when I hit 's' to switch panel, it looks like we're
> > reading the XML file each time.  It funny that loading scenery doesn't
> > cause any hiccups in performance but switching panels does.
> Yep, I just used the panel-load that was/is bound to a function key after 
> swapping the panel path property.  Panel-load is mostly for reloading the panel
> while making changes to it (without having to reload flightgear).  At some
> point it might be a good idea to create an array of panel objects and load
> them all at startup.
> Jim

Could we add a check for the file's modified time and not load it if it
hasn't been modified?
Cameron Moore
[ Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"? ]

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