David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> As far as I can figure out, there are only three situations we need to
> deal with in the viewer code:
> 1. Looking away from a known position.
> 2. Looking towards a known position from a known distance and
>    angle(s).
> 3. Looking from one known position towards another.
> All of the views can still be managed by the view-manager class (a
> proper subsystem), but we should try to remove all hard-coded
> dependencies from the rest of the FlightGear codebase.  For example,
> the scenery code doesn't need to know which view is in use; it only
> needs to know where the coordinates and VIEW matrix for the camera.
> Comments?  Volunteers?  I think that the easiest solution is probably
> a clean rewrite, but paying close attention to how Norm used the
> matrices and vectors in the original.

This sounds interesting.  Let me think about it for a bit and come back 
with sample properties in xml format.



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