At 4/2/02, you wrote:
>Michael Selig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Chase views:
> >
> > [1] One view like the old one, but minus the sway that was due to
> > sideslip.  In this case the horizon on the screen is always level.  (I
> > don't think the new chase view behaves like this.  The horizon is not
> > level, it rolls w/ the aircraft.)
> >
>Actually only the pitch is applied to the model.  The roll is not.  From the
>side it does look a little funky. In relation to the horizon, the pitch angle
>gets doubled.

Maybe I should wait until you have it done, but I'd like to comment on my 
observations which you are surely aware of.

As things are now, one gets this when the model is viewed from behind:
- pitch is applied to the model
   (model pitches up-down / horizon is level on screen)
- roll is applied to the view
   (horizon rolls / wings are level on screen)
- yaw is applied to the view
   (horizon swings side-to-side / model is straight nose-to-tail on screen)

Then when the model is viewed from the side:
- pitch is applied to the view
   (horizon rolls / aircraft is level --- opposite above)
- roll is applied to the model
   (opposite above)
- yaw is applied to the view
   (horizon swings side-to-side --- same as above)

Things are halfway between these two with the quartering views.

For me, speaking from experience, this is a recipe for vertigo.  But I 
guess it is also a cure for my addiction to flying the sim!

Because I am not ready to be cured, I'd like to propose in these terms 
above one basic view mode, which is somewhat similar to the way things 
were.  It goes like this:

In rearview:
- pitch is applied to the model
- roll  is applied to the model
- yaw   is applied to the model

In sideview, etc:
- same as above

I think this would be a very intuitive view.  In this case, the horizon is 
always level on the screen and only the model rolls, pitches and yaws.  The 
viewer is always looking at the airplane from a point on a circular 
perimeter that surrounds the airplane and this disk is always parallel to 
flat ground.


> > [2] What would be seen from a following aircraft.  In this case, the
> > horizon will move like it does on the HSI.  The final view will look very
> > much like the current cockpit view minus the instruments but w/ the 3D
> > model of the aircraft shown.
> >
>Hmmm...try setting the z-offset to -25.0 in the pilot view.
> > [3] A lagged version of [2].  Not as important, but neat.  It would
> > effectively show what one would record from a video camera in the chase
> > plane. The 3D model of the aircraft will not always be centered on the
> > screen.  In extremely rapid maneuvers, the 3D model might even move off of
> > the screen (out of the camera field of view).
> >
> > It seems that to do 2 and 3, the aircraft trajectory history (so many feet
> > of flight path trajectory) needs to be saved and used by the viewer code.
>Yes, some sort of fifo buffer would work.
> > Tower view:
> >
> > [1] One version w/ the view positioned at the end of the runway and
> > slightly behind and above the aircraft, looking down on the 
> aircraft.  This
> > view is extremely useful for testing new-aircraft nonlinear-aero
> > models.  It's hard to judge stall and other extreme maneuvers from the
> > cockpit, but from the tower one can gauge these things pretty well.
> >
> > [2] Another from the tower at the particular airport.
> >
> > Maybe the latest code can already do these things w/ input via xml(?).
> >
>Almost.  It should by the end of the week, maybe sooner.  Once I have the
>basic viewer xml configuration setup, I will probably be expanding it to allow
>quite a lot of control via xml configs.
>Flightgear-devel mailing list

  Prof. Michael S. Selig
  Dept. of Aero/Astro Engineering
  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  306 Talbot Laboratory
  104 South Wright Street
  Urbana, IL 61801-2935
  (217) 244-5757 (o), (509) 691-1373 (fax)

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