Hi Willy

NDB = Non-Directional Beacon.

You tune the NDB radio to the frequency for the selected beacon and there is
a instrument in the cockpit that points in the direction of the NDB, so if
you keep it pointing 'forward' you are flying directly towards the beacon.

A lot of airfields that have an NDB also have a DME (Distance Measuring
Equipment).  This tells you your distance from the DME.  So an NDB will
point you at an airfield and a DME will tell you how far you are from it.

Almost any appropriate frequency radio can be used as an NDB.  When I was
flying in Ireland we used a radio station to locate the right town for an
airfield that had no NDB.  Theoretically I could have picked that station up
in Paris and used it to find the airfield.  Mind you I would have had god
knows how many airspace infringements if I had followed it directly. LOL.

Hope this helps

Geoff (this is my first posting) Drake

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of WillyB
Sent: 28 June 2003 09:36
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Wiki

On Friday 27 June 2003 06:00, David Megginson wrote:
> I started a FlightGear wiki for hacking around.  It is available here:
>   http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=2418&doc=FlightGear

This is very neat David :))

Something that someone who knows could add would be a page that has the
definitions of all of the different acronyms (sp) used.. and what they are
for / how to use them...
I know these are covered in the links within fg docs, but a list w/ a short
explination would be much easier to find, follow and digest IMHO.

For example, I don't really know what NDB means or what that radio is for.
(I'm not a pilot .. yet.. but this sim is making me want to get a license!
Too bad it costs over $4000 where I'm at :// )

I also remember a post to the lists on how to tune the radios to hear the ai
pilot and tower at KEMT, but didn't copy and paste it anywhere, and can't
find it anymore.

Just wanted to say that for me this is a very nice addition to FGFS
documentation and I think it will make using FG a lot easier as the pages
develope over the course of time.

Thanks David :)

Best Re's


> To get started, I made top-level pages for user documentation and
> developer documentation, and added a page on Curt's preset
> properties.  Anyone can edit any page or create new ones, so go nuts,
> kids.
> We should think of the Wiki as a place to make information available
> quickly and keep it updated, rather than as a set of formal, polished
> documentation.
> Curt: can you add a link from the FlightGear Web page?
> All the best,
> David

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