David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Jim Wilson writes:
>  > Would it be appropriate to add the specific aircraft flying tips
>  > and various similar things that are already in the distribution as
>  > text files?
>  > 
>  > Also I'm wondering if we should have another category at the top
>  > level called ModelerAndSceneryBuilderDocumentation.  It seems like
>  > a different category from Developers or Users.  I've been saving
>  > screenshots of various projects in progress for a tutorial might
>  > someday get written.
> Yes and yes.  Go for it!

Interesting... A flight manuals page is now started.  I noticed that it
doesn't seem to want to make links with numbers  or punctuations in them.  So
the rule seems to be two words capitalized,  plus no "-" or digits.  Makes it
difficult to do a "Mustang P-51D" link.



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